Orioles versus Nationals
This question is for all of you Orioles and Skins fans out there. Will you be switching allegiances this year and getting behind the nationals? For me its a dilemma. Im pretty fed up with the o's, and i have never felt the type of connection to them i feel with the skins and wizards, probably because my family is from the DC area. That being said, my number one criticism of ravens fans is that 95 percent of them are bootleg 2000 season bandwagon jumping ex-redskins fans (the other five percent being 78 year old guys who never stopped liking the colts). So i am definately being hypocritical if i suddenly eschew the orioles and reemerge this april as a nationals fan. But if i am going to switch sides I'd rather do it now when the orioles are better - at least on paper - then wait until the nats get good and truly jump the bandwagon. Anyway, what do you guys think?