Originally Posted by nonniey
Well, the issue is we are the world hegemonic power. That is expensive. Would you want to cede that? We already are seeing the ramifications of our surrender in Afghanistan cutting the defense budget in half would be pouring gas on a fire.
That is the challenge right? And if so who takes the mantle of power. I would say as a typical American citizen my individual safety would be better served at the local and state level for safety. If we are spending $2,000 per capita annually on military expenditures, I would prefer if half of that was used directly toward my regional safety, but I do not work in an area or industry that is impacted by foreign terrorism and far more likely to be impacted by someone domestically.
In terms of Afghanistan I fail to see how our withdrawal is bad. Instability in that region makes China worried and focus on their backyard and thus means they are less focused on us.