Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
My big 3 -
1) failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act - while a replace option at some point could be added, the repeal is the higher priority to me. For my family, I would be content going back to the health care of the past, at least I could afford that. (selfish bastard that I am that I want to be able to cover myself and my kids first).
DO you actually think repealing the ACA is going to lower your costs? You sir have been duped into buying fools gold. Here is a spoiler for you. It's not. In fact, it's going to rise and rise fast. As noted in the article below, those uninsured health costs are going to have to absorbed by somebody. Those somebodies are you and me the insurance buyers.
I really suggest you research the rise of insurance rates prior and during the ACA. You'll notice the ACA actually slowed down the rate of growth on insurance rates. But hey.....fuck Obamacare right?
Slower Premium Growth Under Obama
The problem isn't insurance rates rising, it's that wages are stagnant.
Forbes Welcome
Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
2) making a unjustified deal with Russia. I don't think we should be Ukraine's protector, but we definitely should be committed to NATO. Any deal that trades any NATO member's security for Russian cooperation would break my faith in him.
Would him removing sanctions against Russia break your faith? I highly suspect that is going to happen. No we aren't Ukraine's protectors, but you can't allow him to take over that area where are NATO allies are.
Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
3) a lack of efforts that specifically target improving the life of urban US cities. Both parties ignore the real needs of these populations, the democrats take them for granted, and republicans see them as unswerving opponents. I want to see Trump move beyond that dilemna.
Some many factors go into this and they go well beyond even Trump or any President. Many of these areas need to improve educationally, socio-economically, and culturally to improve. Some of it is going to have to come from within those very communities in order to break the cycle.
Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule
the least important thing that Trump promised - the wall. If it's built fine, if not, make immigration attainable, deport criminals here illegally and call it a job well done.
A wall is going to be as effective as a shredded condom. It's just a huge waste of money, and it's going to keep nobody out.I have no issues with deporting criminals here illegally or even jailing those that commit crimes.