Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I know I've said this before, but PRIOR to this election, I've woken up, put my pants one leg at a time (rung a cowbell or two) and life went on. From Reagan to Clinton to Bush to Obama, my life was essentially the same. I'll take that right now.
I worry that if Trump gets elected (and to a lesser extent Bernie) that suddenly I'll wake up to a LOT of changes that I don't want.
well, since bush and obama, we've tortured people, but haven't called it torture, we've killed a lot of civilians but redefined civilians to make the stats look better, and we've decided that prisoners taken in a war aren't actually prisoners of war. the country has expanded government and spending drastically, we have two new organizations, one which spends a lot of time spying on americans, another that is only there to annoy us at airports to make us feel safe without actually providing real security. we've also taken a very marginal step towards universal health care, which is either good or bad (it's hard to tell without writing a thesis on it, it's not fully implemented, and important things like the cost control board aren't formed yet).
sorry if that's a dim view, but if you didn't notice any of that, you won't notice trump or hillary either. trump is a bit more dangerous with a republican congress, but neither he nor sanders are really part of the parties they're running under, they're just leveraging those machines since independent runs are basically impossible... which means that congressional carte blanche probably wouldn't exist for trump anyways.